Glad I Had My Towel Reviewed By Douglas Adams Lost In Spain made me cry ethereal tears of laughter, mainly because I can no longer cry real tears due to my lack of a body, which is just as well because I found the business of body-having a pain in the ass, which, I no longer have to bother wiping thanks…
Lost In Spain
Worst Sales Pitch EVER
Yes the kindle edition will be (should be) available this weekend but why not buy the paper book today? Imagine sitting in your living room with someone you want to impress: an in-law or a traveling vibrator salesman for instance, and they point to “Lost in Spain” and say, “Ha, I loved that book!” And that’s when you get to…
I Wrote A Book
The Book’s Done and I’m Back! So, as you’ve noticed I haven’t blogged in over two years. Sorry for not visiting your blogs either, I’ve been busy writing my book. And I finally did it! I wrote a book! Lost in Spain is done and you can now buy it. If you think I’ll get famous and OD (a gamble?…
Signed Copy
Pre Order Lost In Spain By Scott Oglesby Things are moving fast! I am so close to pushing the “this book is ready to be published” button. So this is your chance to pre order a signed copy! Let me know who you are and I will email you. Thanks! [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]