Author Archive for Scott

empty not hollow by amy c adams

Empty Not Hollow AC Adams

My friend and editor and sister of the heart, Amy (or A.C. Adams if you’re nasty) has just released her first work of art. Empty, Not Hollow  is a collection of short stories that will take your breath away and then bring it back 12 minutes later. Then you’ll notice that it looks like your breath and tastes like you’re breath……

Scott Famous Weekend

An Amazing Weekend

I had an amazing weekend. It started on Friday with insane sales of Lost In Spain. I looked at the KDP (Kindle) sales graph at noon and it was selling better than hot cakes at a country fair where all the other cakes are cold and made out of mud and cat hair. By Friday night I had sold a…

the internet hurts my brain

The Internet Hurts My Brain

The internet rarely gives me an actual headache so I guess I mean that the internet hurts my mind. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is open Facebook. I feel like that’s the logical choice because it’s the primary way that I communicate with most of the people in my life. Problem is, after…