Author Archive for Scott

Spanish TIle Roof Repair

Spanish Tile Roof Smashing

We’re lucky to live on the beach. We even have a water view from our front door and balcony. We would have a full water view if not for the row of six condos that sit directly between our house and the water. If it sounds like I’m resentful of the strip mall McMansion mentality that caused condos to spring…

Things I Miss About Spain

Turns out? I do miss a lot of things about Spain. We’ve been back in Florida for just over three years now. Three years is the amount of time I need to wrap my head around “new things.” When my wife Karen makes us rearrange furniture I bump into the ottoman or the refrigerator on my way to the bathroom…

True Detective Questions for TV shows

10 Serious Questions For TV Shows

The Walking Dead, Revolution, True Detective, Mad Men, Justified, Game of Thrones, Revenge, Hell’s Kitchen, Naked and Afraid, and The Big Bang Theory – Maybe it’s my OCD but every time I watch these TV shows I can’t get past the same burning questions buzzing around my mind like an angry hornet. The Walking Dead and Revolution How do you keep…