To deploy containers in production today, you need to secure them. A growing list of companies want to help you do that. Here’s an overview of the major commercial offerings that cater to securing Docker, Kubernetes and other things container-related.
Consider investing in tools that specifically focus on ensuring container and orchestrator security. Vendors include Aqua Security Software.
The market for serverless computing security tools is a relatively new one, but there are already multiple vendors in the space. There is some overlap with container security vendors (see eSecurity Planet‘s list of top container security vendors), since serverless technologies typically involve the use of short-lived stateless containers.
“There are always going to be vulnerabilities,” explained Rani Osnat, vice president of product marketing at Aqua Security, at the recent KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018 event in Seattle. “The fact that one was found was to be expected. And I expect more will be found going forward. That’s just what should be expected …
Kube-Bench is one of the many an open source Kubernetes security tools that checks if your Kubernetes deployment meets the security benchmarks provided by CIS. As the name suggests, Kube-hunter hunts for security threats in Kubernetes. It enables administrators to address the issues before attackers exploit them.
As DevOps matured within organizations, the process became efficient and fast, but security ended up falling to the wayside. In this article, Gary Stevens explains why security is infiltrating DevOps and how the growth of DevSecOps creates a noticeable drop in the rate of data and security breaches.
A new Gartner report covering Containers and Kubernetes in Production, Aqua 4.0 enhances serverless security, Rancher introducing K3s, Runc Vulnerability still lingering, KubeSec 2019 Call-for-Paper, new Kubernetes API server vulnerability, 451 business brief about Cloud native security and more
Rani Osnat, vice president of product marketing for Aqua Security, says the platform now provides same level of support for functions running on a serverless computing framework and longer-running containers. The challenge with securing serverless computing frameworks is that no standard has emerged, so vendors such as Aqua Security need to navigate all the nuances …