Aqua Security today launched a tool today that dynamically scans container environments to discover more sophisticated forms of malware that often elude static analysis tools. Rani Osnat, vice president of strategy for Aqua Security, says Aqua Dynamic Threat Analysis (DTA) will be available as both a standalone tool and as an option of the Aqua Cloud Native …
Kubernetes’ reputation as a powerful platform, especially for cloud-native applications, is deserved. It offers a rich, flexible set of capabilities. This reputation also includes a learning curve that can be steep for beginners, especially if you’re trying to go it your own way with the open source platform. “Kubernetes is deceptively simple to set up initially, but then …
For the past few months, a malware operation has been scanning the internet for Docker servers running API ports exposed on the internet without a password. Hackers are then breaking into unprotected hosts and installing a new crypto-mining malware strain named Kinsing. Attacks began last year and are still ongoing, according to cloud security firm …
“As the adoption of Kubernetes and deployment of container-based applications in production accelerate to much higher volumes than we’ve seen to date, we can expect more security incidents to occur,” says Rani Osnat, VP of strategy at Aqua Security. “Most of those will be caused by the knowledge gap around what constitutes secure configuration, and lack …
2020 is going to see a significant move towards cloud and cloud native technologies. The challenge for most organisations is deciding which of those technologies will have the biggest impact on their business. In this short blog, Rani Osnat, VP of Strategy at Aqua Security, picks his four top areas where technology will have an …
Container security startup Aqua Security Software Ltd. says its open-source tool for scanning container images is now integrated by default with registries from Docker Inc. and the Mirantis Docker Enterprise platform, as well as Harbor, an open-source image registry project run by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Aqua sells a Cloud Native Security Platform for software containers, which are used to host …
Aqua Security today revealed that its open source Trivy container scanning software is now available by default in a growing number of container platforms. Currently available under a royalty-free Apache 2 license, Trivy will be included as the default scanner in Harbor, an open source container image registry project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation …
Aqua Security released an open source tool this week for scanning image registries running on Docker and the enterprise version of Mirantis Docker. The security tool also targets Harbor, an open source container image registry project spearheaded by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The Boston-based infrastructure security specialist said Monday (March 16) its Trivy …