Aqua Security announced today it has acquired CloudSploit, a provider of tools for monitoring configurations of cloud services. This acquisition further extends the reach of an Aqua Security portfolio beyond containers, virtual machines and serverless computing frameworks to include service posture management, says Rani Osnat, vice president of strategy for Aqua Security.
Aqua Security broadened its reach beyond containers this week with the acquisition of CloudSploit and new VM support as enterprises navigate a plethora of choices for cloud security tools.
The knowledge gap surrounding security risks and the blunders it causes are, by far, the biggest threat to organizations using containers, observed Amir Jerbi, co-founder and CTO of Aqua Security, a container security software and support provider. “Vulnerabilities in container images — running containers with too many privileges, not properly hardening hosts that run containers, not …
Hall offers up Kube-Bench from Aqua Security as a useful tool for an automated security scan to ensure your cluster has been configured according to best practices. Based on a CIS report, it converts the report findings into a executable set of rules for your Kubernetes cluster.
Aqua provides a flexible solution to meet you where you need it to. In particular, Aqua’s layered, full life cycle cloud-native security platform can run on-premise or the cloud. Better still, it can run at any scale, so anyone can take advantage of it. Slotting easily into your existing environment, Aqua scans container images and …
There’s an opportunity to incorporate automation to reduce risk at all stages of security, said Rani Osnat, vice president for strategy at Aqua Security, a cloud application security provider. This can start with automated scanning for vulnerabilities, flaws, malware, and configuration mistakes, and include automated profiling of allocation behavior for whitelisting and anomaly detection. Other security areas ripe …
“As the name implies, multi-cloud refers to the ability of an organization to run applications utilizing services from multiple [public] cloud providers or even private clouds,” says Rani Osnat, VP strategy, Aqua Security. “While many organizations might run applications on different clouds by virtue of separate teams having chosen different platforms or providers, true multi-cloud has …
To address this growing threat surface, Aqua Security splashed into the cloud-native ecosystem four years ago, which makes them old-party members of the CNCF. The firm actively participates in security standards development and contributed their own Kube-Bench compliance checker to open source.