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SDX Central

Kubernetes Looks Inside and Finds Security Holes

August 7, 2019

“Software that’s as complex and as extensive as Kubernetes is bound to have vulnerabilities,” wrote Rani Osnat, Vice President of Product Marketing at Aqua Security, in an email to SDxCentral. “Taking the initiative to perform an extensive third-party security audit … is absolutely the right thing to do in order to get ahead of having …

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Cloud native security

Multi-cloud by the numbers: 11 interesting stats

August 7, 2019

The multi-cloud approach is also shifting from ad hoc to intentional in more companies. Amir Jerbi, CTO and cofounder at Aqua Security, summed this up well for us recently: “Multi-cloud has become a strategic initiative for many enterprises, large and small.”

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Cloud native security

Multi-cloud: 8 tactics for stronger security

August 5, 2019

“Another critical aspect [of multi-cloud security] is that multi-cloud means that an organization will want to be able to move workloads between clouds, and when that happens, not be required to reconfigure the entire security toolset,” says Amir Jerbi, co-founder and CTO at Aqua Security. “One factor to consider is that cloud-provider-specific settings should be made …

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SDX Central

Kubernetes Security Again Undercut by Bug, One of Which Just Won’t Go Away

August 5, 2019

Rani Osnat, vice president of product marketing at Aqua Security, previously told SDxCentral that Kubernetes is a “complex system and it’s bound to have vulnerabilities. The fact that CVE disclosures are becoming more commonplace is a good thing, as is the fact that they’re not all severe.”

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What’s the point: Electron, Aqua Security, CloudFormation, and Azure DevOps

August 1, 2019

Since Cloud Foundry uses the Diego system to manage app containers, Aqua now also automatically scans Diego hosts (so-called cells) for known vulnerabilities, and exposure of sensitive data. On top of that, the service tests for cell compliance against the CIS Linux Benchmark. More details can be found on the Aqua Security blog.

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Aqua Security Extends Pivotal Alliance

July 30, 2019

Aqua Security has extended its container security alliance with Pivotal Software to include containerized applications running on the distribution of the Cloud Foundry platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that Pivotal makes available. The two companies already have a relationship involving Pivotal Container Service (PKS), a distribution of a Kubernetes platform that Pivotal curates in collaboration with sister company VMware. Aqua Security will …

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Container security

Aqua Security Introduces Native Runtime Protection for Pivotal Cloud Foundry

July 30, 2019

Expansion of the Aqua-Pivotal collaboration delivers comprehensive security for application development and production environments on PCF BOSTON – July 30, 2019 – Aqua Security, the leading platform provider for securing container-based and cloud native applications, announced today the public release of Aqua Security’s runtime protection for Pivotal Cloud Foundry ® (PCF) . Users of Pivotal’s …

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Cloud Foundry Gets Another Security Layer

July 30, 2019

With Cloud Foundry users pushing code faster to production, “application security checks must be accessible within the deployment pipeline in order to scale safety and compliance,” said Angus MacDonald, Pivotal’s general manager for technology ecosystem. The partners said the addition of Aqua’s runtime security tool would help automate those controls.

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